
Political Science

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Academic Programs

Political Science - Associate in Arts (653)

Political Science is the study of the theory and practice of government and politics. Students of politics describe and analyze political systems and behavior. Baccalaureate programs offer courses in areas such as public administration, public law, international relations, comparative politics, political behavior, political philosophy, and U.S. government. Community college students interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree in political science are strongly encouraged to complete an Associate in Arts degree prior to transfer.


After completing American Politics and Government (PSC 163), Political Science majors may need to take additional social science courses to meet General Education requirements at the four-year institution they plan to attend. Students are encouraged to work with academic advisors at their community college and at their transfer institution to select a program of courses that will best satisfy academic requirements at their four-year college or university.

Students who have already chosen the university to which they plan to transfer should consult that institution's catalog or department advisor and an SVCC academic advisor in planning their program. Students pursuing social science secondary education should meet with an academic advisor.

Political Science - IAI Recommended Baccalaureate Curriculum

Follow this link for career information.

Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College

  • Academic Advising, 815-835-6354
  • Dr. Paul Edleman, Professor of Communication/Political Science, 815-835-6265

Total Hours Required - 64-65 Hours

Suggested Program

First Semester - 17-18 Hours

  • Humanities 3 Semester hour(s)
  • *Electives/Foreign Language 4 Semester hour(s)
  • Math 3-4 Semester hour(s)
  • ENG101 - Composition I ( 3 Semester Hours)

    This course (1) develops awareness of the writing process; (2) provides inventional, organizational, and editorial strategies; (3) stresses the variety of uses for writing; and (4) emphasizes critical skills in reading, thinking, and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099. 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): C1 900 Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week

  • FYE101 - First Year Experience ( 1 Semester Hours)

    The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills, goal setting, academic planning, time and money management, and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment, students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: None 1 Semester hour(s) Lecture/Lab Hours: 1 lec/week

  • PSC163 - Am Government & Politics ( 3 Semester Hours)

    Students will examine American constitutional foundations and democratic values, explore the role of public opinion and the character of the political process, and understand the role of the media and interest groups in policy-making. Students will gain an understanding of how the major branches of the federal government work, and improve skills in evaluating and analyzing current public policy issues. Prerequisite: None 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): S5 900 Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week

Second Semester - 16 Hours

  • *Electives/Foreign Language 4 Semester hour(s)
  • Fine Arts 3 Semester hour(s)
  • COM131 - Intro to Oral Communication ( 3 Semester Hours)

    The oral communication course combines communication theory with the practice of oral communication skills. The course: (1) develops awareness of the communication process; (2) provides inventional, organizational, and expressive strategies; (3) promotes understanding of and adaptation to a variety of communication contexts; and (4) emphasizes critical skills in listening, reading, thinking, and speaking. Prerequisite: None 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): C2 900 Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week

  • ENG103 - Composition II ( 3 Semester Hours)

    An advanced course in essay writing with emphasis on formal research, ENG 103 serves to develop a proficiency in the collection and selection of data as applied to the completion of a formal research paper. In addition, students receive instruction in logic and reasoning, including the fundamentals of argumentative and persuasive writing. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ENG 101 or its equivalent or consent of instructor. 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): C1 901R Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week

  • PSC233 - Politics of Developing World ( 3 Semester Hours)

    Comparative examination of the political systems of selected non-western countries, including institutions, electoral systems, principles of governance, causes of political instability and revolution, and techniques of political analysis. Prerequisite: None 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): S5 906N Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week

Third Semester - 14-15 Hours

  • *Electives/Foreign Language 4 Semester hour(s)
  • **Life Science 3-4 Semester hour(s)
  • Elective 1 Semester hour
  • ECO211 - Principles of Macroeconomics ( 3 Semester Hours)

    A survey of macro-economic theory with emphasis on resource allocation in a mixed-enterprise economy. Concentration is on the operation of the market mechanism, the role of government and labor, international trade, national income determination and accounting, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policy, and macroeconomic fluctuations. Prerequisite: None 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): S3 901 Lecture/Lab Hours: 3/lec week

  • PSC232 - Intro to Comparative Gov ( 3 Semester Hours)

    Students will examine political systems in several regions of the world. They will gain an understanding of both the diversities and commonalities of political culture, tradition, and practice in selected nations of Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Prerequisite: None 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): S5 905 Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week

Fourth Semester - 16-17 Hours

  • Humanities/Foreign Language 4 Semester hour(s)
  • **Physical Science 3-4 Semester hour(s)
  • Personal Development 3 Semester hour(s)
  • Social/Behavioral Science 3 Semester hour(s)
  • PSC261 - International Relations ( 3 Semester Hours)

    This course is an introduction to international relations and world politics. It includes studies of international conflict, a history of war, human rights and genocide, international law and behavior, terrorism, and global economics and poverty. Case studies of current areas of crises will be emphasized. Prerequisite: None 3 Semester hour(s) Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): S5 904 Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 lec/week


  • *Three - four semesters of a college-level foreign language or three or four years of a high school level foreign language may be required for a Bachelor of Arts degree. A Bachelor of Science degree may require more courses in mathematics, statistics, and/or computer science. Contact an academic advisor for more information.
  • **One lab science required.